No Greater Love

Monday, November 28, 2011

Now We Wait

All of our paperwork is complete, and our dossier is in Ethiopia.  All we have to do now is wait.  I'm not gonna lie, I check the waiting list 100 times a day to see if we've moved from position #11 to #10...even though I know that the list is only updated about once a month.  I'm guessing I'll stop checking it as often as time passes.

So why does it take so long to receive a referral if there are SO many orphans?  This is one of the two questions I receive on a daily basis.  I'm so thankful that our friends care, and ask about the process.  Please don't ever hesitate to ask questions.  Another question we often hear is, "Why does it cost SO much to adopt?"  I want to try to answer both of those questions, but please remember, I'm not an adoption expert by any stretch of the imagination.

One of the reasons it takes so long to receive a referral (at least from our agency) is because our agency does their homework.  They believe, and so do we, that the best place for a child to be is with their biological family.  Our agency is committed to researching every child's background to ensure that there isn't anyone else in their family who would be willing to care for them.  This process takes time.  Once our agency is sure that the child/children can't be cared for by any other family members in Ethiopia, they will prepare them for referral.  This process includes visits with the Dr., Psychiatrist, and some blood tests.  Our agency will make sure that all of the paperwork is consistent with police reports from when the child was orphaned or relinquished.

The other reason it takes so long is because we have to operate on Africa time.  Our agency has orphanages and a transition home that they fully support.  The orphanages take in children who have been orphaned or relinquished.  Then, when a child's history has been completely reviewed, and they are ready to be referred to an adoptive family, they can be moved to the transition home.  Once a child/children are adopted, and moved out of the transition home, other children from the orphanages can move in.  The transition home can only house so many children at one time, so this can sometimes slow down the process.  Once a family receives their referral, they must receive a favorable letter from the Ministry of Women's, Youth, and Children's Affairs.  Families are at the mercy of MOYCA's schedule to receive this letter.  Then, a family must appear in court.  Receiving a court date can take a lot of time.  After receiving a favorable ruling from the judge, the Embassy must also approve the case.  When things slow down at the Embassy or in the courts, the entire process slows down, and there's really nothing that can be we wait.  We are daily thankful for our agency, and the care and attention to detail that they give to every aspect of the process.

The second question, "Why does it cost so much?"  I've copied and pasted the expenses below.  Most of the agency fees are more for us since we're adopting two children.  I think it's nice to see it all so that the big number we have to end up with makes more sense.

We are paying MANY people (homestudy agency, AWAA (placing agency), US government, etc.) to do their job in our adoption process.  The international fee goes to support the transition home and orphanages affiliated with AWAA - to pay the staff, run medicals, provide for needs of the kids.  The program fee pays for AWAA staff, paperwork, etc.

If you ever have any questions, please ask.  We're glad to answer anything.  :)

Adoption Expenses:

Application Fee $250
1st Installment of Program Fee $1,500
Home Study $1,200 - $2,800
Additional Home Study Documentation Prep. Fee $0 - $100
Home Study Visit Travel Fees (could include mileage, hotel, and food costs) $0 - $300
Adoptive Parent Training (2 adults) $175
Documents/Background Checks/Passports $100 - $500
USCIS Fee & Update Fee + Fingerprinting $830
Notarization, Certification & Authentication $400

Courier Service $150
2nd Installment of Program Fee $2,000
Post-Adoption Report Deposit (fully refundable if all post-adoption reports are returned on time) $1,000
Dossier Service & Translation $800
1/2 International Program Fee (1 child) ••• $3,750

International Specialist Consultation $100 - $400
3rd Installment of Program Fee $1,500
1/2 International Program Fee (1 child) ••• $3,750
Trip 1 - Airfare (2 adults) $2,400 - $4,000
Trip 1 - In-Country Travel Package (2 adults) •••• $1,400 - $2,500
Trip 1 - Visas (2 adults) $40
Trip 2 - Airfare (2 adults) $2,400 - $4,000
Trip 2 - Airfare (1 child) $250 - $1,000
Trip 2 - In-Country Travel Package (2 adults) •••• $1,000 - $2,000
Trip 2 - Visas (2 adults) $40
Visa/Embassy Fee (1 child) •••••• $400

Post-Adoption Visits •• $300 - $1,500
Post-Adoption Visit Travel Fees $0 - $1,050
Post-Adoption Administrative Fee $385
Re-Adoption $300 - $1,000
Post-Adoption Report Refund (refunded in installments as, and only if, each report is returned on time) ($1,000)

Other Costs (include doctor visit and related co-pays, social security card, passport cost, postage, long distance phone calls) $100 - $1,000