No Greater Love

Monday, August 27, 2012

Yes, We Are Still Adopting...

We never dreamed that it would take this long for a referral when we decided to adopt.  Lately we've been getting the questions, "What's taking so long?" and "Are you still adopting?"  Yes, we are still adopting, and the reason it's taking so long is out of our hands.  We are trying to wait patiently.  It's been 10 months since we sent our paperwork to ET, and 18 months since we decided to adopt.  Yikes!

We did recently update our home study, because it's been a year since our first home study was written.  We changed our age range (from birth to 6 years) to birth to 9 years, 10 at the time of placement.  We're hoping this will move things along.  Of course the State of IL has to approve this change.  Our home study should be sitting on an important desk right now, waiting for approval.  We hope to hear back in the next week or two.

Thank you all for asking about things.  I wish we had more to tell.  Someday we will, but for now, this is all I've got.  :)