No Greater Love

Monday, May 14, 2012

Another Mother's Day

I'm so thankful for my three boys.  They are all three such amazing individuals.

I love Noah for his incredible ability to always have all of his ducks in a row.  :)  I don't know where he gets that....ahem.  He is smart, smart, smart.  He has a heart of gold, and would do anything, for anybody, anytime.  He has to parent me more than I have to parent him.  Noah will do some amazing things in this world, he is truly a gift.

Colin, oh Colin.  He makes me smile just thinking about him.  He has a heart big enough to love everyone in his path, and he does.  He is joy in flesh, and brings light and life to every room he enters.  He is mister go-with-the-flow, and his one-liners kill me.  Colin will do great things, and make an amazing husband someday...the boy can cook!

Jeron...this kid is hilarious.  I think he came into the world with the intention of being a goofball.  He peed all over the nurses as they were weighing him in the delivery room.  Jeron is the kind of guy who will make the most inappropriate comment, and then give all of his money away to someone begging on the street.  He's the perfect mix of compassion and entertainment.  He has a love for the broken that blows my mind.  He is without a doubt, the most generous human I know.

The fact that these three boys have Jeremy as their dad is a huge part of why they are the way they are.  When I watch Jerm with our boys, and with other people's kids, I can't believe how much he loves them.  Something happens to him when there are little kids around...he has a knack for winning over every kid who comes his way.  What I love the most about him is that his heart turns into a big 'ole pile of mush when he feels like there is injustice in a child's world.  I am blessed.

This was a great Mother's Day.  All three of my guys spoiled me, and treated me like a queen.  I shouldn't ask for more, but I can't help thinking about the two little loves who are missing from our family.  This is the second Mother's Day since we decided to adopt.  It's been a little bit of an emotional day for me.  I'm hoping that next year we'll be a family of 7, but there are no guarantees.

There isn't much to say about our adoption at this point.  I posted awhile back that we were #8 on the waiting list, but we've been moved back down to #9.  It's discouraging to say the least, but we will just have to continue to wait.  God knows what He's doing!  We did recently receive an email from our agency stating that the Ethiopian Ministry of Women's, Children's and Youth Affairs is still committed to advocating for ET orphans.  This is a good thing!  It sounds like things are changing constantly in Ethiopia as far as adoption goes, but they are good changes.

We're thankful to all of you who ask about how things are going.  We just wish we had more to tell you!  Someday we'll look back, and it will seem like time has flown by.  In the meantime, we'll continue to pray for all 5 of our kids, that they'll be safe, healthy, and strong, and that they'll follow Jesus all the days of their lives!

Happy Mother's Day!

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